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Voice of Executive Management - Ronald Broer
Author: Ronald Broer, SVP, Marine | 26 March 2023
Q1: What is your vision for our company?
Ronald: Amos is on a journey, it’s a journey of transformation in which everyone matters. My vision is that we shall capture the full potential of our people and together build a sustainable organisation that contributes to a better future for our wider families and our customers.
Q2: What support do you think is necessary from the company for you to be successful in your mission?
Ronald: The mission is to become profitable and provide value to our employees, our customer and shareholders. In order to do so, we need simplify, focus and prioritise. We shall do that by setting a clear strategy and related key performance indicators that are understood by our employees. When we achieve this common goal and have embedded ownership and accountability, we can empower people to make decisions for the execution of this mission.
Q3: How are we keeping our company customer-focused?
Ronald: That is a really good question. We shall not be a victim of the busy-ness epidemic now that our challenges are in the past, most internal issues have been resolved and we are winning back customer confidence. I have spoken about the customer journey before and I would like to address this again as this is crucial for Amos success. We all need to understand that every single employee in Amos contributes to our customer experience, our receptionist upon a customer visit, our driver when delivering products, our credit controller when chasing for payment, our customer service when handling orders and our pickers in the warehouse when they pick the right quantity and packs it in the box, I mention just a few, but everyone plays a role in how Amos is delivering more value and deepen trust with our customers.
Q4: What makes a team successful in your opinion and What is the best way to build a great team?
Ronald: A dominant theme in the world today is out-of-expected events, so even more now, a good team needs a balance of expertise, diversity, basic logic, industry expertise and common sense. A successful team requires commitment and ownership towards a common goal. A high-quality team is created by cultivating collaboration, inclusion, trust and accountability, empowering the members to take ownership.
Q5: As a leader how are you dealing and encouraging unmotivated individuals within the organization?
Ronald: We need to foster a culture of engagement, in which we can openly discuss issues and situations, but we also need to realise that the world has changed, organisations change, Amos is changing and we cannot keep everyone happy. Some people like challenges, others feel more comfortable if they can just do their job. As a leader you need to invest in people, recognise the talent of the individual, encourage and embrace, provide guidance and sometimes leadership is about letting others find their own solutions. “in any battle, morale and spirit of the people determine the outcome”, I am not sure who said that, but it is very true.
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